Do Energy Drinks Trigger Afib?

Do Energy Drinks Trigger Afib?


Energy drinks are incredibly popular, with the market growing to over 70 billion dollars annually. It’s hard to go to any grocery or convenience store without seeing shelves lined with drinks known and new. With that said, energy drinks contain various ingredients that purport to help us boost mood and energy levels. Some of these ingredients are healthier than others, and some may significantly affect heart health. To that end, it’s essential to understand if these drinks can cause or worsen Afib. So, with that said, we will discuss these ingredients individually to see if they affect the heart.


Many energy drinks contain caffeine, as it is a stimulant. You may have read our other article that discusses the effects of caffeine on heart health and atrial fibrillation. The conclusion is that caffeine may be protective of heart health and does not increase the risk of Afib. Some people are more sensitive to caffeine than others, so if you find your heart racing or something not quite right when consuming these drinks, stop doing so and speak to your physician.


Sugar and artificially sweetened drinks can create a high risk of developing or worsening Afib. While a recent study has shown that 2 liters or more of sugared beverages are required to increase the risk of Afib, it’s worth noting that many energy drinks contain significantly more sugar than the average soda or juice. As such, it is possible that drinking too much too quickly can cause or worsen an Afib episode. Drinking too many sugary drinks can also increase the risk of obesity, which can cause high blood pressure and worsen Afib. Ultimately, reducing added sugar intake is never a bad idea.

It is worth noting that artificial sweeteners also heighten the risk of Afib. While consuming a 0-calorie sweetener can be very appealing, it is not as beneficial as it seems. Regardless of the calories, they can still cause sweet cravings in the brain. They are far sweeter than the same amount of sugar, so the key is to reduce the amount consumed.

B Vitamins

B vitamins are often touted as healthy for the cardiovascular and neurological systems. A deficiency of B vitamins can certainly cause cardiovascular issues. While there is no generally accepted upper limit of B12 that would cause adverse effects, B6 consumption should be moderated. Therefore, keep an eye on the vitamin B content of your drink.

Taurine and other Chemicals

Taurine is a potent amino acid that helps regulate bodily functions, including sodium and potassium balance. Low taurine levels have been associated with an increased risk of Afib. Some energy drinks contain taurine, but this should not be used as a therapeutic approach.

Mixing Energy Drinks and Alcohol

We know that alcohol is a significant risk factor for the development of or worsening of Afib. As such, mixing alcohol and energy drinks may have a cumulatively damaging effect. It’s always best to avoid alcohol if you are at risk of cardiovascular disease, including Afib.

The Bottom Line

With all the energy drink options available today, it’s critical to understand how each active ingredient can affect the body. While some ingredients may be protective, others may not, and these ingredients may be mixed in the same drink. If in doubt, stay off the energy drinks and consume water instead. Hydration is a natural and potent energy stimulator. Of course, if you experience any heart rhythm issues, speak to a qualified electrophysiologist like Dr. Tordini.