Event Recorders

Event recorders are another tool in the electrophysiologist’s diagnostic toolbox. Event recorders are much like Holter monitors, however they do not record continuously. Rather, patients trigger or activate their event monitor when they feel and arrhythmic episode coming. The small size of the event recorder and the fact that it doesn’t have to be worn continuously makes it a compelling option for short to medium term arrhythmia tracking.

However, even here, the event recorder does not have the staying power of for example an implantable loop recorder. Most patients will use an event recorder for a week or two, while a loop recorder can record for up to three years.

Some loop recorders can also double up as event recorders, allowing the patient to trigger the device when they feel and arrhythmic episode, thus collecting additional data. Because the monitor is continuously recording, the data leading up to the patient triggering the recorder can also be collected. This is especially useful for those who may faint and can only trigger the device after they have regained consciousness.

A symptom event monitor can often be worn on your wrist – much like a smart watch. When pressing the button on this kind of event recorder, the device records the symptoms from the moment you designate. This may not be suitable for patients that may pass out during their arrhythmia.